J-CAST ニュース ビジネス & メディアウォッチ

バービー人形に「ポッチャリ」型登場 間違った「美」批判に勝てなかった?



  • Meet the new Curvy Barbie. Toymaker Mattel rolled out its latest version so its classic doll including fuller-figured models. Other new dolls include Petite and Tall Barbies in a variety of skin tones, hairstyles and fashion styles. (提供:Mattel/Splash/アフロ)
    Meet the new Curvy Barbie. Toymaker Mattel rolled out its latest version so its classic doll including fuller-figured models. Other new dolls include Petite and Tall Barbies in a variety of skin tones, hairstyles and fashion styles. (提供:Mattel/Splash/アフロ)
  • Meet the new Curvy Barbie. Toymaker Mattel rolled out its latest version so its classic doll including fuller-figured models. Other new dolls include Petite and Tall Barbies in a variety of skin tones, hairstyles and fashion styles. (提供:Mattel/Splash/アフロ)


